The international scientific community concludes in Valencia that aging can be modified with timely action

Lengthening healthy life and preventing functional depletion in old age require a multidisciplinary intervention and specific public policies. The second edition of the Longevity World Forum has also served to demonstrate that breakthroughs in life expectancy require engineering and technology.
“Imaging is the key to the health of the future focused on prevention and regular monitoring”

Ángel Alberich-Bayarri, director and founder of QUIBIM, will participate for the second year running at the Longevity World Forum. His intervention, which will form part of the session on RDI in longevity, will reveal the applications and possibilities of artificial intelligence in this field.
The scientific community shared a “tsunami of knowledge” on healthy ageing at the Longevity World Forum

The first conference in Europe on increased life expectancy and life quality improvement has brought together over 400 participants to Valencia. The organizers have confirmed that a second edition will be held in November 2019.
Longevity World Forum completes its programme for 2019 with a symposium at the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre

The doctors María Blasco and Pura Muñoz will be two of the speakers of this conference dedicated to aging and metabolism. The event will take place on Wednesday 13 November at the facilities of the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre.
The debate over precision medicine and biotechnology puts the final touch on the first edition of the Longevity World Forum

On the second and final day of the Longevity World Forum, the conference turned its focus towards two disciplines which are fundamental to guarantee a longer and better life expectancy: precision medicine and biotechnology.
The scientific community proposes a different approach to ageing at the Longevity World Forum

Leading figures such as Ángela Nieto or María Blasco have shared new key facts about human longevity from the perspective of different disciplines in the first conference in Europe focused on life expectancy and life quality improvement from a purely scientific approach.
Research for a longer and better life expectancy focuses on Valencia

The first Longevity World Forum starts in the Valencia Conference Centre, where leading figures in the international scientific community will come together for two days to share knowledge about longevity from the perspective of disciplines such as precision medicine and genomic medicine.
Manuel Serrano: “I don’t know how to use the word immortality. I don’t see any point in talking about something so intangible”

Manuel Serrano is internationally recognised in the field of tumour suppression. In addition to his discovery of the p16 gene, one of his most important discoveries has been the identification of cellular senescence as a main anti-oncogenic response. In this the second edition of Longevity World Forum, he will share his extensive experience, as well as the advances on which he is currently working at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona).
Aubrey de Grey announces that age-reversing medication will be a reality in five years from now

De Grey will visit Spain in November to participate in the first edition of the Longevity World Forum in Valencia. The biomedical gerontologist also predicts that longevity treatments will be accessible to all citizens.
Calico, Google’s biotech company, joins the Longevity World Forum

The first European meeting on longevity, genomics and precision medicine, which will take place in the Valencia Conference Centre on the 7th and 8th of November, counts now with the support of Calico.