Leading scientists claim that medicine should focus on the quality of life during old age

Calorie restriction and senescent cells have been two of the main subjects addressed on the second day of the Longevity World Forum. This international congress being held in Valencia comes to an end on Friday 15 November, with a consideration of the social and economic aspects of longevity.
The latest breakthroughs for a longer and better life expectancy are presented in Valencia on the occasion of the Longevity World Forum

The central events of the pioneering congress in Europe on human longevity have been held at the Conference Centre on 14 and 15 November. The meeting has brought together eminent international professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Pura Muñoz and Manuel Collado.
40% of people over the age of 65 in Europe are affected by protein deficiency

Professor José Viña highlights nutrition as an “extraordinarily important” factor for healthy aging. This is one of the questions that Dr José Viña will examine in Valencia on 13, 14 and 15 November at the Longevity World Forum.
Longevity World Forum completes its programme for 2019 with a symposium at the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre

The doctors María Blasco and Pura Muñoz will be two of the speakers of this conference dedicated to aging and metabolism. The event will take place on Wednesday 13 November at the facilities of the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre.
Manuel Serrano: “I don’t know how to use the word immortality. I don’t see any point in talking about something so intangible”

Manuel Serrano is internationally recognised in the field of tumour suppression. In addition to his discovery of the p16 gene, one of his most important discoveries has been the identification of cellular senescence as a main anti-oncogenic response. In this the second edition of Longevity World Forum, he will share his extensive experience, as well as the advances on which he is currently working at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona).
Life expectancy and healthy ageing, under debate in Spain at the Longevity World Forum

The second edition of this congress, which is breaking new ground in Europe, will take place on 14 and 15 November in the Palacio de Congresos Conference Centre in Valencia and will bring together some of the world’s most renowned professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Manuel Serrano and Álvaro Pascual-Leone.
Google’s Calico renews its support for the Longevity World Forum, Spain’s most important congress on ageing

Google’s biotechnology company sponsors Europe’s pioneering congress on life expectancy and healthy ageing for the second year running.
Carlos F. Sánchez Ferrer: “Drugs that are able to inhibit the actions of adipokines can have a beneficial effect on arteries and can even reverse vascular aging”

Professor Carlos F. Sánchez Ferrer will explain in #Longevity19 the new pharmacological targets as far as vascular ageing is concerned.
Manuel Collado: “Our goal must be to reach an advanced age in a better state of health and to remain free of disease as long as possible”

Dr. Manuel Collado will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on exploring longevity by presenting different research, from basic to applied, that is currently being carried out in this field. In this brief interview, he offers an insight to his perspective and to his work.