Marc Ramis: “For the first time ever, we are treating age-associated diseases from mechanisms associated with senescence”

Marc Ramis will explain the latest achievements about cellular senescence in the second edition of Longevity World Forum.
Marc Ramis will explain the latest achievements about cellular senescence in the second edition of Longevity World Forum.

Dr. Marc Ramis defines himself as a passionate entrepreneur in the field of the so-called life sciences. For example, in the summer of 2017 and together with Dr. Manuel Serrano and other researchers, he embarked upon the creation of Senalytic Therapeutics, a company that develops innovative senolithic drugs, which are drugs based on cellular senescence. “We are facing many challenges because this is a new field. A great deal of uncertainty exists from the point of view of development, but given that we are living in an increasingly aging society, this is an area with a lot of future and a high impact. “For the first time ever, we are treating age-associated diseases from mechanisms associated with senescence”, he tells us.

Ramis explains that, for the time being, one can speak of brilliant academic and preclinical work. However, he qualifies this by saying that “right now we are experiencing a key moment in this sense”, given that all the knowledge surrounding the concept of cellular senescence is beginning to be transferred to the market. Moreover: Senalytic Therapeutics has plans to carry out the first systemic test on humans in 2020. Continuing with his words: “We will transfer the preclinical development data from this science to the clinical trial next year”.

All in all, cellular senescence has been gaining special prominence for some time now, as organisations such as Senalytic Therapeutics are demonstrating its direct relationship with different pathologies and aging. For example, their elimination or the reduction in their number is being related to the increase in life expectancy and the quality of life in patients with pulmonary fibrosis.

Dr. Marc Ramis will present the latest developments in this regard in the second edition of the Longevity World Forum. In particular, he will participate in the second session dedicated to R+D+i in longevity. “The differential value of this international congress is its social impact, because it serves as a forum for transmitting the concept of ageing to society,” he concludes.