Leading scientists claim that medicine should focus on the quality of life during old age

Calorie restriction and senescent cells have been two of the main subjects addressed on the second day of the Longevity World Forum. This international congress being held in Valencia comes to an end on Friday 15 November, with a consideration of the social and economic aspects of longevity.
The Longevity World Forum will convert Valencia into the global scientific capital of healthy aging

One of the most important congresses in the world on longevity will be held in the city on 13, 14 and 15 November. Leading scientists such as Maria Blasco and Rafael de Cabo will attend the meeting which benefits from the support of companies such as Google’s Calico.
The researchers María Blasco and Manuel Collado will attend the Longevity World Forum to present the latest discoveries reached in Spain on delaying aging

The director of the CNIO will talk about mouse models with non-genetically modified hyper-long telomeres. The IDIS researcher will explain how a derivative of Digitalis or foxglove selectively eliminates senescent cells.
Manuel Collado: “Our goal must be to reach an advanced age in a better state of health and to remain free of disease as long as possible”

Dr. Manuel Collado will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on exploring longevity by presenting different research, from basic to applied, that is currently being carried out in this field. In this brief interview, he offers an insight to his perspective and to his work.