Leading scientists claim that medicine should focus on the quality of life during old age

Calorie restriction and senescent cells have been two of the main subjects addressed on the second day of the Longevity World Forum. This international congress being held in Valencia comes to an end on Friday 15 November, with a consideration of the social and economic aspects of longevity.
The latest breakthroughs for a longer and better life expectancy are presented in Valencia on the occasion of the Longevity World Forum

The central events of the pioneering congress in Europe on human longevity have been held at the Conference Centre on 14 and 15 November. The meeting has brought together eminent international professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Pura Muñoz and Manuel Collado.
The Longevity World Forum will convert Valencia into the global scientific capital of healthy aging

One of the most important congresses in the world on longevity will be held in the city on 13, 14 and 15 November. Leading scientists such as Maria Blasco and Rafael de Cabo will attend the meeting which benefits from the support of companies such as Google’s Calico.
40% of people over the age of 65 in Europe are affected by protein deficiency

Professor José Viña highlights nutrition as an “extraordinarily important” factor for healthy aging. This is one of the questions that Dr José Viña will examine in Valencia on 13, 14 and 15 November at the Longevity World Forum.
The researchers María Blasco and Manuel Collado will attend the Longevity World Forum to present the latest discoveries reached in Spain on delaying aging

The director of the CNIO will talk about mouse models with non-genetically modified hyper-long telomeres. The IDIS researcher will explain how a derivative of Digitalis or foxglove selectively eliminates senescent cells.
Life expectancy and healthy ageing, under debate in Spain at the Longevity World Forum

The second edition of this congress, which is breaking new ground in Europe, will take place on 14 and 15 November in the Palacio de Congresos Conference Centre in Valencia and will bring together some of the world’s most renowned professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Manuel Serrano and Álvaro Pascual-Leone.
Pedro Almaida: “As the circadian system ages, an organism’s ability to adjust its biological rhythms to environmental cycles is compromised”

Dr. Pedro Almaida has been researching the circadian system for years. His participation in the 2019 Longevity World Forum will give him the opportunity to explain its importance in terms of healthy ageing and to report on the latest discoveries in this field.
Longevity World Forum focuses its second edition on scientific innovation and healthy aging

The Longevity World Forum choses Valencia once more and will be held on 13 and 14 November at the city’s Palacio de Congresos. This year’s meeting will again bring together internationally renowned professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Manuel Serrano and Álvaro Pascual-Leone.